How To Get Your Ring Looking Its Best Without Any Harm

How To Get Your Ring Looking Its Best Without Any Harm

If you’ve ever wondered how to clean my engagement ring, you are not alone. Many women struggle with this task every single day. If you’re one of them, there are some things you can do to make cleaning your ring a breeze. First, avoid using any type of nail polish remover, vinegar, baking soda, or any other substance that may damage the surface of your engagement ring.

Avoid Cleaning Your Diamond Ring With Nail Varnish Remover

Avoid using nail varnish remover to clean your diamond ring as it can damage the metal and diamond. Use a non-toxic cleaning agent like acetone or baking soda to clean your ring. You can also use a cleaning solution made from ammonia or warm water and add a drop of washing up liquid. Let your ring soak for 20 to 40 minutes and then brush it using a soft toothbrush. Children’s toothbrushes are perfect for this.

Avoid Cleaning Your Diamond Ring With Baking Soda

Avoid cleaning your diamond ring with baking soda or salt, as these substances are abrasive and can scratch the diamond. If you must clean it with baking soda or salt, first soak it in a warm solution of soap and water, then rinse it well with room-temperature water and dry it with a soft cloth. To clean your diamond ring, you can make a paste of baking soda and two tablespoons of water. Apply it to the ring and let it soak for half an hour. Use a soft brush to scrub it or a child’s toothbrush.

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Avoid Cleaning Your Diamond Ring With Vinegar

It is best to avoid cleaning your diamond ring with vinegar because it can cause oxidation. Instead, you can use baking soda and vinegar. Mix half a cup of vinegar with two tablespoons of baking soda. Let the ring soak in this solution for two to three hours. After that, dry it with a soft cloth.

Never use vinegar to clean a diamond ring that is mounted on a bezel or halo, as it can cause oxidation and dulling. Instead, use a lint-free cloth and a moisturizing soap or dish soap. Shampoo can also be used.

How To Measure Your Ring Size

Find a ring that fits your finger comfortably and accurately. You may want to try on rings in different sizes if one doesn’t seem to fit. You can also find a ring size chart online and measure the inside circumference of a ring that fits you well. Then compare that number to a chart to find your ring size. Once you have determined your ring size, make sure to shop for rings a size larger than that. It’s common for rings to be sized a bit smaller than the actual size to provide a snug fit, so if you find a ring that you like, buy it a size larger than the number on the chart to make sure it will fit when it’s resized.